A CR is a highly qualified member in QYAO who represents a whole country. This can mean that the member leads millions of people.

CRs have a very high responsibility and very important roles in the company.

Advertising Benefits:
Banner Advertising
Country Representative $2,000.00 deposit bonus

Link Exchange
Country Representative $2,000.00 deposit bonus

PPC Promo
Country Representative $2,000.00 deposit bonus

Paid Messages
Country Representative $2,000.00 deposit bonus

Shared PPC
Country Representative $2,000.00 deposit bonus

Other Benefits are shared between the member and QYAO only as soon as he/she qualifies for the post.


Amongst other duties, a CR decides on things which he/she thinks are best for QYAO and specifically applicable for his/her country. The CR is responsible for leading all people in that country in all there needs and queries. He/she must ensure exponential growth of the country's population within QYAO.

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