2. You can create as many accounts as you can handle but remember that the FREE membership has a lot of limitations to protect the company from fraudulent activities.
3. You can connect up to 6 QYAO accounts to 1 FZ account. You have to upgrade your QYAO accounts to Elite before you can transfer your funds to your FZ account. The transfer option is not available for FREE members.
4. QYAO account upgrade to Elite membership is only $10/month.
FZ account upgrade to Gold is also $10/month.
5. If you upgrade your QYAO account you will get $50 bonus for every upgrade you make. So if you decide to have 6 QYAO accounts and upgrade them for 3 months, you only need to pay for 5 QYAO accounts and QYAO will give you your 6th account Free Upgrade.
Here are the numbers:
5 QYAO accounts upgrade for 3 months = $27x5 = $135 (this is what you pay if you decide to upgrade 5 accounts for 3 months.)
Your total account bonus = ($50x6x3) = $900
6. Your bonus cannot stay in your QYAO account since this is FZ promotion. When you transfer your QYAO funds to FZ it will receive an additional 50%. So for the example above you will have a total of $1,350 in your FZ account when the transfer is completed. Transfer will take between 24-48 hours and only done on business days from Monday-Friday.
7. Your QYAO accounts will have ZERO balance in them but don't worry. You can grow this slowly when you request for payment daily. You must also request payment on your FZ account daily. These are the advantages of having upgraded accounts. Your account balance grows so much faster compared to FREE memberships. Free members can only request payment once a month, so the account balance grows so slow his way.
8. If you request payment daily (highly recommended) in your FZ account, your revenue is 5.25%. Your account advertising spending is 3% and your profit is 2.25% on a daily basis. On the example above,you can profit $30+ on your first day. This means your account profits $6+ per sponsor (there are 5). As your account balance grows, your 2.25% daily will be fast really soon.
9. There are 2 requirements before you can withdraw your money.
For QYAO accounts :
* your account should be at least 30 days old.
* your earnings for each of the sponsor should be at least $50.
For FZ accounts :
* your account funds that you transferred from QYAO should be at least 30 days old. This will activate your "Withdraw Funds" link. For you to be able to click on the "Withdraw Funds" link, you should have at least $250 in your "Earnings" portion. This means you should have at least $50 per sponsor.
How can you do this if you request payment daily to your main balance?
Request payment daily until you are earning almost $50 per sponsor. Since sponsors calculate advertisements from the 1st day of the month up to the last day the best approach will be to request payment daily from the 1st of the month until the 20th of the month and then don't request payment from the 21st up to the 29th of the month. This will grow your "Earnings" amount. Then click the "Withdraw Funds" link on the 30th of the month. Since the agreement is Net45, you will receive your money 45 days after you click the "Withdraw Funds" button.
10. You have 10 levels in your QYAO account.
* You will earn $1 for every member you refer on your 1st level.
* You will also earn from the activities that they do (more on this when you join).
* You will earn $0.10 for every referral from your 2nd to your 10th level.
* You will also earn from the activities that they do (more on this when you join). * Your residual income from Elite members will continue as long as they are active.
11. Lastly, this is how you should create your 6 QYAO accounts.
* Create your 1st account and then get your referral link for that.
* Create your 2nd account using your own referral link from your 1st account created.
* Do this until you create your 6th account.
Please note that QYAO and FZ are real opportunities. These programs are not get rich quick schemes. If you are not willing to work at least 1-2 hours a day to achieve your goal then these opportunities are not for you.
The effort you put in here will determine your success. We have a great community of very helpful and goal oriented people. This alone is worth the monthly membership fee.
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