The account page is the first page you will see when you log into your FZ account. This page shows you your important information and statistics. There are 3 boxes that contains these information :
* The Personal Information,
* The Quick Links
* The Statistics box.
Personal Information Box
In this box, you can update your personal information. I think in the future we will see more use of where we want our personal information to be shown (A good example is on our Main Profile Page just like in QYAO.)
Quick Links Box
In this box you have your referral link, which you must use when you are inviting people to join FZ.
You can also see the "My Referrals" link which you can click to see how many people are on your downline, up to 5 levels deep.
The "Payment Withdrawal Status" link should be connected to your "Withdraw Funds" link. I think that after requesting for a withdrawal, the updated status will be posted on this link.
The next information is your membership type. If you have upgraded your account to Gold Membership you will see it here as well as your membership end date. You have to renew your account on or before the end date indicated so you can continue to have the benefits of being a Gold Member. Gold Members can make daily payment requests. This is similar to the Elite Members of QYAO. This process gives Gold Members the advantage of growing their account balance so much faster than a Free Member.
The last important information here is your Promo Account Status. This will show as "Active" after you transfer funds to your account. Keep it active so your account is advertised continuously. There is no need to turn your account advertisement off.
Statistics Box
In this box you will see the following information:
Balance - This will be your Total Account Balance if you have requested payment and your "Earnings" figure is at zero. If you are a Gold Member you should request for payment daily, so you can grow your Total Account Balance faster.
Earnings - This is your earnings since your last request for payment. FZ statistics updates at 10PM PST.
Spent - This figure is the total funds that have been spent on advertising your account since your promo account status was turned active. In FZ, your earnings is 75% more than your spent funds. Let's say your spent funds on your first day was $1. Your earnings will be $1.75. You profit 75% for every dollar of your spent funds.
Advertisers Table - On this table you will see the 5 FZ sponsors, the corresponding balance that your account has assigned to each sponsor, the earnings that have not been requested yet, and the total spent funds per sponsor. You will notice that FZ evenly distributes your account balance to all 5 sponsors. If the figures are $50 , then I can click the "Withdraw Funds". The "Withdraw Funds" link will be active/clickable as soon as your account funds has reached the 30 day requirement. If your earnings for each sponsor is already at $50 then it's time for you to withdraw your earnings. You will receive your money in 45 days upon withdrawal.
TIP: Upgrade to a Gold Member and request for payment daily. If your earnings is getting close to the minimum payout requirement, request for payment only up to the 20th day of the month. Let your earnings accumulate for 10 days and click your "Withdraw Funds" on the 30th day of the month. Sponsors calculate your advertisements earnings from the 1st day of the month up to the 30th day of the month. Therefore it is best to make your withdrawal request every 30th of the month, as long as you are qualified already. This tip was brought to you by my friend, Marc Dasco & Renata.
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