Focus aggressively on referring (use my Snow Ball referring system). Do nothing else but refer for 1 month. The longer you’ll refer, the more people you’ll refer per day.
1. Day – 3 people
2. Day – 5 people
3. Day – 7 people
4. Day – 10 people
5. Day – 15 people
6. Day – 20 people
7. Day – 25 people
That would make 85 referrals all together at the first level. But you don’t stop there, keep going 1 month. When you are referring over 20 people per day than you are doing it right.
Don’t get discouraged at the beginning if you can get more than one or two people per day, longer you’ll do it more people you’ll get.
You will probably ask yourself why refer people and you won’t see much of results at the beginning but as I said 1 month and you’ll see a lot of changes. Set your goal on at least 300 referrals at first level (I did more than 200 in a week). When you refer them create blogs and pages where you guide them. You can copy from me what is useful for you and add your personal touch and experience to it! Every Member you refer is potential candidate to become serious. When they visit your profile, your blogs and your sites they increase your popularity. Popular Account has value, the higher the popularity, the higher the value.
There are rumours that QYAO is preparing ranking system which will easy, realistically and automatically evaluate each Account and point out real value of the account. So even the Account which are not earning with Advertising Account might get incredible value depending on how many referrals they have and how many friends they have added.
Now do the simple math. Let’s say you referred 200 active referrals at the first level and you trained them to do the same as you do but they did less than you and they train their referrals etc. You will be getting for first level referrals $200.00 each month and for other 9 levels probably over $2,000.00 per month each month and it doesn’t stop there, longer you have these referrals more earnings are increasing not just from referring part but from other revenues your referrals bring in. You can easy triple the amount I mentioned.
All you need is 1 month of intensive referring! But you do have to refer. It won’t go by itself.
If you haven't join QYAO, SIGN UP here and get $15 just to test the system.
Good Job, Marvelous effort and be a good Mom. Woww..